Monday 27 August 2012


9 more days of work till i finish. i cant wait. the last week at work was really long and a couple of the guys i used to sit and have lunch with have also left so its been particularly solitary. what with a couple of the guys in our team being away on holiday its been surprisingly quiet but also boring. still no bother. 9 days. 

i also got a call about another contract going at a swiss bank and i am going to see them tomorrow at lunch time. i already told them i was going on holiday straight away, just so that they dont fake surprise later on and then try and pressure me into cancelling it. i need to go away. its not just a holiday, its medicine my soul. i didnt even apply for the job, it was just something that came up and i got the call. why is it whenever i need a break, i cant get one, and when i dont need a break and want a contract, i end up waiting weeks/months.

will see how it goes. they might not give it to me anyways.  

aside from that, not much going on. gym, work, home. weather has been a bit up and down as we have gotten used to this summer. have just been trying to catch the occasional sunny spell in the midst of greyness and nothing. have got a ton of stuff to sort out with regards getting my dads stuff all in order. i can see a mountain of paperwork and meetings with banks and lawyers ahead of me. i will have the energy for it once i back from cali, but i cant even bring myself to think about it now. i just feel run down. 

today i have mostly been listening to the verve - history

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