Monday 19 November 2012

public enemy

it was a lovely sunny crisp winters day yesterday so i cycled to the gym and had the mother of all workouts yesterday. the creatine supplement is really kicking in now and i am lifting 15% more weight than i was just 2 weeks ago. when i got home i got a message from the guys i play football with and they said they were going to have a sunday night game, so i went to that as well.

whilst pleasant in the winter sunshine, the temperature plummeted once the sun went down and it was freezing to be playing in it last night. the other issue was that we had booked the pitch for 2 hours. you find yourself in a viscous circle after a while, where you get tired and so you dont run around as much, but then its so cold that all your muscles ache and so you cant run around even if you want to get warmer so you end up getting progressively colder and colder and your muscles ache more and more and there is nothing you can do about it. by the end of the game i was shattered. still, its all good fun and got to be done. 

heard from a friend of mine and it looks like his marriage is falling apart. i remember a couple of months back he said his wife didnt like him getting drunk so often, but all he seems to write on facebook is how big a night he had and how wasted he got. you read this stuff and think your missus aint going to like that, maybe you should calm down. i dont drink so i cant sympathise but if it came to a choice between getting drunk or your wife, you would think you would choose your wife. he chose the booze. anyways it looks like its going to end soon i think. people got shit going on. 

was going to go to the gym tomorrow but instead i think i will concentrate on cutting down a tree in the garden. need to get shit like this done whilst i have the time. will go to the gym on wednesday. hopefully swedish lingerie model is going for her usual midweek work out as well.

had a call about a 2 month contract at an investment bank. told them i would do it and the fact that its 2 months is good. those places are brain cemeteries and i dont want to spend too long in one. just enough time to top up my bank account and get me into the new year.  

today i have mostly been listening to public enemy - harder than you think. wicked tune. 

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