Saturday 12 January 2013


got my late fathers taxes sorted out with his accountant and filed yesterday, so hopefully i will not get any more threatening letters from the tax office. i also got another letter from my dads bank saying the mortgage he had on his second house was missed again last month, despite me putting money into his account and getting them to re-enable the debit, when the same thing happened last month. 

it turns out that despite the bank saying they had re-enabled it, it turns out they did not and i was told they can not do so. it means i had to pay it again out of my account despite me depositing money into my dads old account so it could be taken from there. essentially i paid the mortgage twice. what joy. 

its a good thing i saved my money and can afford to it. i shudder what most of the people i know would do in the same situation. i had a friend at the hedge fund who earned nearly a hundred grand a year and lived pay cheque to pay cheque every month. i have not worked for 3 months and have paid out over 20 grand in extra unplanned costs. thank fuck i saved my money and did not buy flashy watches and cars. the bank won't take a bmw or an IWC as a mortgage payment. still, no bother. i will get all the money back and i would rather pay for everything than have my mum deal with the stress. 

had a few more calls about jobs this week. will see if any come through. 2 really great jobs in there but i don't think they will get back to me. no bother. 

am training like a beast. am as strong as i have ever been. weather has gotten really cold so it will be a slightly painful bike ride to the gym tomorrow but am looking forward to training more than i have in quite a while. its very motivating when you can see clear changes. 

today i have mostly been listening to prince - get off. phenomenal. 

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