Sunday 9 March 2014

the decline of western civilisation Part 2

it was the warmest sunniest day of the year so far and i went from wearing my jacket and gloves and woolly hat last sunday on my cycle to the gym, to wearing a t-shirt on my cycle today. it was beautiful weather in london town. 

maybe it was the shock of having such good weather so early in march in london that had an affect on peoples brains, but london was also full of people acting like cunts today. an example of just one of many incidents on my 20 minute cycle to the gym is explained and shown below. 

i ride through st johns wood which is one of the nicest and most expensive areas in north london. its near regents park and there are some beautiful houses worth tens of millions of pounds. ambassadors, rock stars, investment bankers, oil company executives all live in st johns wood and it has a small high street with not an iceland or lidl in sight. am surprised they have a tesco round the corner. it does have the now ubiquitous starbucks, of which i wrote about in the first part of my posts about the decline of western civilization. today i saw the next part. 

something has happened to human beings and especially those that can afford a car. one wonders if in a few generations we will have evolved and lost the use of our legs, given how everyone wants to drive everywhere and are loathed to use their legs even to carry themselves the smallest distances. below is an example of the lengths people will go to avoid using their legs. 

the high street is wide enough for one lane of traffic in each direction. a truck (represented in blue) had stopped and blocked one lane as it was making a delivery to one of the shops on that side of the street. cars were filtering around it when there was a break in the traffic in the opposite lane, and there was a queue of about 3 or 4 cars waiting to get around it. one of the cars (represented in yellow) that had been behind the truck, moved out into the opposite lane, but instead of passing the truck, it pulled up along side it and put on its hazard lights and stopped (see graphic below).
it decided that this was the best place to wait for a parking space. both sides of the street were now blocked, one with the truck and one with the car alongside it waiting for a parking space. cars were now queuing up on both sides of the street as it was blocked and the guy in the car just sat there as if nothing was happening. he seemed utterly impervious to the beeping horns and the dirty stares he was getting from the cars blocked behind and the cars in in front of him, that he was facing head on. all for a parking space and your refusal to even entertain the idea of having to walk a few meters you will open yourself to vitriol and abuse, but you will sit and block the high street. 

i do wonder what it is about these people and what goes through their brains. i wonder if they look at troops that have come back from iraq and have had their legs blown off by an IED, and think to themselves, "lucky bastard, now you have an excuse to sit down all day in a motorised chair". i do wonder if they had the chance, many able bodied people would use wheelchairs out of choice because they dont want to walk even the shortest distance. "sorry dude, how did you lose your ability to walk, was it polio, was it an IED, was it a broken back, an industrial accident or something?". 
"no, my legs work fine, i am just a lazy cunt for whom walking 50 meters is the equivalent of doing the london marathon".  

its telling that this occurred in st johns wood. these people are the elites. those with access to money and education and universities and good jobs and good housing and good culture and those that have most control over their lives in terms of having choices open to them that might not be available to others. one wonders if elites are queuing up for a fucking starbucks on a sunday afternoon and now not aware of their actions when blocking a high street because they dont want to use their legs, whether we have passed the high point of western civilisation. should they not be at the opera or ballet or commissioning artisans. should they not be writing and composing and building and inventing. should they not be using their wealth to enrich their own lives with culture and knowledge which in turn would advance culture and knowledge as a whole. it turns out they are not from what i see. instead they are waiting in a queue outside a coffee shop with their car double parked. 

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