Friday 23 April 2010

american slang

not posted all week which is a bit odd. had started drafting a couple of posts but never got round to publishing them. anyways, the weather has been nice all week. quite cool but clear blue skies for most of the day and its so nice to see the sun. forecast is for this weekend to be pretty warm. t-shirt weather.

had football last night. 3rd week for us playing and can feel my fitness coming back and compared to the first week, i feel miles stronger and am playing miles better than i was a couple of weeks ago.

one of the guys that plays with us works at goldman sachs, the investment bank that is caught up in a fraud case. whn i saw him i told him we weren't interested in buying any of his dodgy synthetic collateralised debt obligations or other derivatives that he is shorting and he should keep that stuff away from our football circle thank you very much. oh how we all laughed. don't you wish you were at football with a bunch of jokers like us with our amusing quips about financial derivatives. normal service was resumed later with jokes inferring sexual deviancy and slating each others favourite football teams. anyway.......

thats it really. all is well. nothing solid happening on the contract front. a couple of things here and there that might come up but we shall see how it goes. no bother.

today i have mostly been listening to the gaslight anthem - american slang. no video yet which means you can colour it in youself in your head. i was going to post nighttrain by guns n'roses, as thats what i was on last night on my way back from football, but i will post it another time, when there is no new music that i particularly like.

have a lovely weekend. i think i might.

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