Wednesday 28 April 2010


people huh!. there are some characters around. yesterday at the gym there was a guy that there that was quite annoying and then quite funny. first off he does that thing where he just hogs one piece of equipment and does 6 sets of the same exercise. dude, thats not how its supposed to be done. if you can do 60 reps of the same exercise its too light and its doing nothing for you. that was the annoying part.

the funny part was that in a packed gym he was talking to himself and psyching himself up before each set. "come on, you can do this. come on!!". "just 3 more, 2 more, come on, 1 more, push,... push!". its a packed gym mate. you are not in your bedroom at home standing in front a mirror practicing your travis bickle, "you talkin to me" speech.

he looked so ridiculous whilst he was doing it and in front of everyone, i nearly laughed out loud. at first i thought it was a joke but he was properly serious, despite the fact he was lifting not very mich weight. i nearly asked him to keep it down a bit, not because he was making too much noise, but because it was making me laugh and i don't want to drop 40kg dumb bell on my head because of his 'taxi driver in a gym', comedy routine.
some people huh?.

today i have mostly been listening to u2 - exit. don't worry, its not any of their recent material which is horse shit. this is from when they were good.

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