Friday 25 June 2010


it usually takes a few months to become aware of any tensions and politics in any new place i start work at. i think i would become aware of it earlier but i tend to keep myself to myself and so i usually don't here much at the beginning. thats not the case here at my new job. i am in week 3 and i can already feel a tension with one of the other teams and some sniping and back biting between them. they think our department is lazy and does very little work (they are on the money there), and the people in my department think they just blame any screw ups they make, on them (possibly true as far as i can tell).

anyways, this morning one of the guys was whining about the other team again, and it was just so lame. what is wrong with these people. i wonder if they can hear themselves when they come out with shit like he was talking this morning . its no bother for me as i will be gone at some point. this job will not be my life, but these other people have been here years and just seem to almost enjoy whining about shit and regressing into childish behaviour.

i think i used to be like that when i had been in the same job for years, but moving around resets your brain and you work with new people and you also become aware of your own behaviour and proffessionalism. you also observe the good and bad and one would like to think that you try and pick up the working habits of those people that are good and not the bad ones.

speaking of professionalism, yesterday i was walking to get some lunch with one the guys in our department. we were just chatting away and he asked me why i was wearing my jacket on a hot day. i said it was because i didn't like having my trouser pockets full of money and security passes, and my phone and my mp3 player and my train ticket and stuff. half in jest, he then suggested i get a belt so that i clip everything to it, to which i jokingly replied that people who did that were 'IT cunts'. he flinched when i said that and said there was no need for that kind of language.
sorry, didn't realise i was working with mary fucking poppins.

i cycled to the gym last night. i usually go by train on my way home from work but the weather was so nice yesterday that i thought i would go home and cycle it. watched part of the japan v denmark game and then around 9pm i cycled home. nothing eventful or special aside from the fact that it was the most beautiful evening in the history of the existence of planet earth, and thats going back hundreds of millions of years, and not just 10,000 years like some of those creationist and intelligent design idiots might have you believe. if there is intelligent design why did god create idiots who believe that shit. not that intelligent design, after all.

will post some music tonight when i get home from this brain vacuum. its a bank and everything is blocked.

today i have mostly been listening to sound of guns - architects.

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