Wednesday 24 November 2010


so we were sitting around our desks this morning talking about shit, when gym junkie said that students were protesting about having their fees tripled from 3 grand a year to 9 grand a year.
thinking he was sympathetic to the injustice of it, i said yes, it was completely wrong and a shameful thing for the government to do. to my surprise gym junkie said he thought no one should be entitled to a free education and that they should pay more.

when i pointed out that he (and i) had paid no fees for university education and it was paid by other peoples taxes, he said he dossed around at uni and didn't do any work and used this as an example of students not taking studying seriously and that they are lazy and they should pay if all they are going to uni for is to have a good time.

i pointed out that some people went to university to learn something and get qualifications in the hope of landing a good and interesting job, but he dismissed it as nonsense, and said someone had to pay for it and the people that benefit from it should. i said he and i had benefited from university education so we should pay instead of making graduates in entry level jobs pay extra tax to pay down nearly 30 grand in loans.

he turned it round and then said a completely false statement saying that it was my view that i didn't want to pay any tax at all, let alone any more tax than i do already. i pointed out that what he said was the complete opposite of my view and i had never said i didn't want to pay more tax, and in fact if anyone should pay more tax it should be people like us who earn 6 figure salaries and who had other people pay for our education.

he then retorted that the country couldn't afford it and that "people like you", ie me, talk about making cuts in other services but then could never come up with anything to cut. i told him that we should cut defence spending and disband the independent nuclear deterrent, because there is no chance of having an independent nuclear conflict. that saves around 3billion a year which could be put into education. gym junkie then said, yes, i bet you would like to cut the security services as well that prevent bombings on the tube. god knows where that came from, but actually yes, i would i told him. that annoyed him even more.

i turned to one of the other guys that sits with us and said i didn't realise i was sitting with right wing of the conservative party, and 2 of us laughed. gym junkie didn't.
what a little fucker. we knew he was a chancer regards to his profession, but i didn't realise he was a complete chancer in life.

the subject then changed to football and the weather. i told him it was cold outside and i would have to wear tracksuit bottoms and a hat and gloves to play in on thursday night. he said that was for wimps and had no fitness and if i ran around i would get warmed up and he never wore any of that shit when he played because he was always so hot from running for an hour. i asked him if he played football. he said he hadn't played for about a year because he was injured. oh, ok then, thats you talking shit again you fucking chancer.

today i have mostly been listening to rage against the machine - testify.

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