Thursday 7 April 2011


the new job has become intolerable. its bad enough being the newbie in the office on my own and having to communicate via email, but now i am not even getting responses to email. i am however being tasks assigned to do of which i know absolutely nothing about. am finding myself getting stressed and just aimlessly trying to piece tiny bits of information here and there, but its a fruitless task and not the way to do things. its for that reason that i will resign tomorrow.

am hoping they let me walk immediately, even though i am on 4 weeks notice, but they really will be incompetent if they make me work out the notice, because firstly i don't have all my network access through yet, so i cant actually do much work as it is, and secondly, even if it did come through i probably couldn't do anything because no one is showing me how the place is run. it is and would be a waste of money and time for them.

this truly is the worst bank i have ever worked at and its taken the title from a large german bank i spent a while at. i thought that place was dysfuntional. this place is on another level so the germans should be pleased.

got home after work yesterday and i was walking up the path to my house i saw my reflection in the glass of the door and i had a scowling stressed look on my face. i must have looked like that all the way home from work, and its not good. you are supposed to hate you job after a while, not after a week or two.

i had a telephone interview yesterday for another place. i hope it comes through but i have a sneaking suspiscion they might not give it to me because i said i was really interested in staying hands on techie and they want someone to move away from that and manage. we shall see. they seemed nice enough on the conference call. it would be a touch if it came through but if it doesn't then we will just move on to the next one. i believe there is going to be something good out there that i will be happy doing.

today i have mostly been listening to linsdey buckingham - big love. i may have posted this before but it dont matter because its wicked.

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