Sunday 13 November 2011


had a weekend off work which was needed. i had to work late on friday till about 11.30, but it doesnt feel so bad when you know you dont have to work on saturday or sunday. also on friday, one of the head project managers took me to one side and said that he was looking to renew my contract in the new year and that there was another project coming through. he said he was waiting for the budgets to be signed off and also for me to not tell anyone just yet, because some people were going to be told this week about whether they were staying or going. 

its good news that they want to renew me, but like i said before, till i get a piece of paper that is official i am not going to assume its going to happen. for the reason, i applied for another job at a hedge fund/asset manager elsewhere. it was more money so if i end up with 2 offers i will have to take the other place. i dont want to come across like a money grabbing whore, but the increase per month is roughly the same as my mortgage and thats not something inconsiderable. i dont want the extra money to buy a flashy car, or an expensive watch. its all going on my flat. every penny.....almost. :-)

i heard back from my friend in san francisco and she said she was around at the beginning of january, so i extended my ticket by a couple of days and am going to drive up and stay with her and her family. it does mean one very long day of driving because i will be driving from las vegas to los angeles in the morning to drop my friends off at the airport and then i will have to drive 6 hours to frisco. still, its only one day and i like driving on the freeways, with my music playing on the stereo and stopping off at random small towns for food in small diners. i hardly drive at all in london so i dont mind being behind the wheel on holiday. i dont get sick of if if its just one or two long days. itnerary as it stands is

thursday - arrive in LA
friday - meet my friends who arrive in LA, do some sightseeing. 
saturday - sightseeing LA and then drive to Las Vegas in the evening
sunday - Las Vegas
monday - Drive to LA from LV and then drive to San fran
tuesday - san fran
wednesday - drive from san fran to san diego. 
thursday - san diego
friday - san diego
saturday - short drive to LA and fly home. 

in all of that i am going to try and go to the beach in LA and san diego. go to balboa park in san diego. maybe see a band play if there is anyone interesting playing and maybe visit the wild card boxing gym in LA where Manny Pacquiao trains. and the rest of the time i shall be mostly chilling. even on the days with long drives i will break them up and stop if i go through anywhere interesting and if the mood takes me. 

we shall see how it goes. best laid plans and all that. 

today i have mostly been listening to marina and the diamonds - radioactive. wicked tune. 

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