Sunday 27 November 2011


i worked saturday as usual and it turned into a longer day than we thought it was going to be, but we got through it. feel absolutely shattered and sooo tired. god, i miss having 2 day weekends. i keep reminding myself to keep thinking of the money and california is just over a month away. 

no news on getting a new contract at my current place. people have said they are going to give me a new contract but nothing has been put down on paper for me to sign. also no news from the other hedge fund i interviewed at last week. am thinking they probably dont want me. they asked the agency for more cv's to see who else is available and if they can get a better fit. no bother, if there is someone available with more knowledge and talent then by all means, they should take him or her on. i would like to think there are not millions out there that are better. also i suspect they are making the classic mistake of wanting a specific set of requirements which i think they will struggle to find. windows server 2008 is common, exchange 2003/2010 is also prevelant as is SQL 2005/2008 and HP Hardware is ubiquitous. 

where the skills set get a little less common is they wanted someone who has used Hyper-V. everyone uses VMWare. i have never worked anywhere that runs Hyper-V. i have studied it and done the exam, but not used it any of the places i have worked at. they also wanted SAN experience and i said i had used and been in places with EMC Clariion, NetApp, 3PAR and HP EVA. unfortunately they use none of those. they use Equalogic and Compellent. now from an operating system perspective, the exact SAN a server is connected to is not that important in most cases. its all much of a muchness. they seemed like they were looking for those 2 particular manufacturers. same as with Hyper-V, i have never been anywhere that runs Compellent or Equalogic SANs. talk about going against the grain of what everyone else is doing. they are using a virtualisation and SAN platform that NO ONE is running. still, i would still work there if offered as it will be interesting to fill in the gaps of my knowledge. there are lots of gaps. 

was still feeling ill yesterday at work which made work even more harder. slept for 10 hours last night which is not a normal occurence. if i can get 7 hours of good sleep i am thankful. anyways, today i was still a bit sniffly but i thought i had to go to the gym to wake myself up a bit. i was also going to ride slow as i was not feeling well and i knew i would have no chance of breaking my record while ill. after a couple of minutes and catching some traffic lights perfectly i felt pretty good and so increased the pace to see how far i could go. turns out i could go pretty fast because i rather inexplicably ended up smashing my record. 14m 53s which broke my previous best by 23 seconds. at one stage i thought something might be wrong with the gears on my bike because my bikes gear setting was indicating a gear higher than the one i usually ride in, on some sections. i figured it was on the lower gear but my chain had slipped down or something. clearly it was not. 

above is a pic from my ride back home. it was a beautiful crisp winter day. december is almost here and we have yet to have a prolonged period of shit, wet horrible weather. not complaining, just saying. 

back to work tomorrow, and for how much longer?, i dont know. 

today i have mostly been listening to the maccabess - pelican. so new, it has not got a video. it doesnt need one though. wicked tune. 

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