Sunday 10 June 2012


started my new job on thursday. it was ok in my first 2 days there and they havent just left me sitting on my my own at a desk with no information, which makes a nice change. saying that though, it just reminded me how difficult it is starting a new contract. i have moved a lot over the last few years, and been through this process 6 or 7 times, and its gotten a little easier but its still a massive pain in the ass. 

as always, as soon as i start a new job, i get calls about lots of other jobs all at the same time, and have had to turn them all down. i accepted my contract a few days before my dad passed away and in all honesty i would not have left my old contract for my current new role had it come up after my dad passed. i really could do with out the hassle of trying to learn all the systems of a new place, but this is the situation i find myself in now and its hard but i guess i just have to get on with it. anyways, in the last 2 weeks there have been jobs at 3 other banks come up and also the job in qatar that got postponed a few weeks bank, came up again. the recruiter rang me from dubai and asked me if i would still do it, but i told him i would pass. its not the right time. 

things seem a bit chaotic and jumbled up, the weather is complete horse shit and i have the stress of a new contract. just need to power through the next few weeks and it will be ok. am hoping to go to california (and maybe NY) in september. i reckon around september 8th. my contract is initially for 3 months and thats roughly when my 3 months is up. they will either let me go, or if they have any more work for me to do, offer me another 3 months till the end of the year. either way, i want to get out of london. this city is grinding me down. i need to breath for 10 days. after that, i can take whatever comes up over the next few months. 

today i have mostly been listening to kavinsly and lovefox - nightcall. this is from the soundtrack to the film 'Drive'. its a very good film. i like the video someone made for this as well, and i also uploaded some random pics i took while driving in LA on my last couple of trips. when things get shit and stressful this week i shall try and remember how peaceful and relaxing i find it driving around in the city of angels. 

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