Tuesday 26 June 2012

old pine

work is ok. have just been getting my head down and trying to get through each day and to be honest i am counting the days till i finish up at the beginning of september. as is always the way, there are some good potential contracts out there but i cant be laving this one quickly. it will look bad and i just need to do my full term. 

i am pretty sure i wont get extended because i am the only contractor in the department and all the other guys are permanent employees. also, once they finish their current project in 3 weeks there wont be enough work to justify having an expensive contractor there. it would be good to finish in september and then go to cali and then come back and see what else is out there. i am in the support team at the moment and its been a long time since i have had to deal with support requests and its not something that i would want to do for a long time. on the plus side, i have gotten exposure to NetApp storage which has been good. i know more about it than i did before. it might come in handy in another of my contracts in the future. 

if in september i have nothing to go to and if the market looks dead and if they offer me an extension then i will have to take it. thats a lot of ifs. will put the word out at the end of july and see what happens. 

its been just over a month since my dad passed away. he is in my mind every day but in the first couple of weeks he was in my mind every minute of every day. people tell you things will get better and life more bearable and its true. there is still a big presence missing and it will always be like that, but life goes on. 

today i have mostly been listening to ben howard - old pine. a song about summer. we havent had a summer in london this year. its one big long autumn. the wettest april on record has been followed by the 3rd wettest june on record, and the month is not over yet and there is more rain forecast for the weekend. 

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