Thursday 14 June 2012


had my dad passed away before i got the job offer from my new place, i would have passed and stayed at my old contract and just had 3 months of no stress. i had done the difficult part, and believe me it was very difficult, where you learn all the systems in the first month or two and you start to feel a bit more comfortable. anyways, things didnt happen like that and i had resigned and accepted the new contract and it was after that, when my dad passed away. 

the hassle of a new contract is not something to take lightly. there is a reason why there are so few people like me out there. there are thousands of contractors in london, but most of them get a contract and tend to stay, whereas i tend to move on every few months. usually its because i am bored and not learning anything and the hassle of working with new people and systems is something does not put me off, although  its very difficult at the beginning. 

today was one of those particularly difficult days. to be honest my heart is still heavy from all the stuff with my dad, and the weather is shit and it gets you down, but even aside from me not being at 100% enthusiasm and alertness, the guy at work who was explaining the NetApp infrastructure was being a bit of a cunt, if you will pardon my french. 

he has been there 3 years and i dont think he appreciated the fact that 1:i have not really done too much netapp stuff before, 2:i have been there 5 days and 3:he has the handwriting of a 4 year old with a crayon using his wrong hand. it was shockingly bad. how the fuck he got through primary school is anyones guess. its utterly illegible. its like a fucking secret code. forget 3DES encryption, his handwriting is uncrackable. after asking him a couple of times to tell me what he had written in front of me, he did say "yeah, i know, my handwriting is bad". its not bad mate, its fucking illegible. its just scribbles. your U's look like V's. your K's look like R's, your F's look like T's, your S's look like 5's.

err, is that VRT51
no!!!, its UKFS1!
oh yes, ofcourse it is......

anyways, it was a bit frustrating and when someone is being cuntish with me, i tend to either get annoyed or just switch off. i switched off. i am not here to play games and i am not there to steal anyones job or put any one down. i just want to learn the shit and dont worry fella, i will be on my way in a few weeks/months so your job is safe. i wouldnt want to do your job permanently even if they offered it to me. this is all just about picking up new skills and experience for me and then moving on to the next contract.

today i have mostly been listening to janes addiction - whores. i usually read on the train to and from work. am half way through a book about pol pot and cambodia but i havent been in the mood to read about horrors inflicted on people. heart is heavy already. instead i have put my mp3 player on shuffle and have been re-discovering songs i hadnt heard in a long time. this came up the other day. i had forgotten how awesome it was. 

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