Thursday 5 September 2013

no cali

having been at the new place for about 6 weeks now and i am getting a sense of the politics there. they clearly do not get on with one of the guys who looks after asia/pacific region offices and they clearly do not like the director in charge of IT. i have tried to be a little more social and have gone to lunch with the other guys but i still do not say much. i can't. i am a contractor and its not my place to say if someone is being a prick. i can think someone is being a prick and i can write on my blog someone is being a prick, but i will not say it at work to people who are there. they can bitch and whine about it and its all justified because both of them do seem like pricks, but you will not hear me say it. 

i am a contractor. i am here to do a job and get paid. thats it and i like it that way. when i listen to them legitimately complaining about shit, i do feel glad that i am not a permie. i have been asked by a couple of guys there about contracting and what its like and if they should do it. i always try to be truthful and tell them it has its good parts and bad parts, but when there is work out there and you dont have too big a gap between jobs and the market is bouyant, then its great and it suits me down to the ground. i have gotten used to be the newbie and not knowing anyone in a new job. i dont mind asking questions and it does not hurt my ego to do so. i dont need to show off or be seen to be important and i am not chasing a bonus or a promotion. 

we are in september and this is usually the time i would be going to california, but i cant this year. i cant really justify it even if i could take the time off work, which i cant. there are projects and stuff going on and i cant leave it for a week. i would not want to even ask, because i know it would not look good. anyways, i have been lucky because we have had the best summer since 2006 and its been beautiful most days for the last couple of months solid. the gods smiled on me and knew that if could not go to california sunshine, then they would bring california sunshine to me. am provisionally trying to put together a week in france or spain or portugal sometime at the end of the year or at the beginning of 2014. will see how it goes. 

i can be a bit of a snob when it comes to music and i do look down on bubble gum, chart, pop music as being shit, which most of it is. this is ok though. they play it at my gym and it sounds ok. 

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