Friday 21 December 2007

its friday

there was a placement available at another investment bank that may have involved VMware. i decided to pass it up as my plan is to get out there in the new year and get something for myself. in hindsight i am glad i passed it up because one of the guys here has got it and by how he described it, it sounds like copying files from one storage system to another. it sounds like it could well be shit.....but it might turn out ok. it fits in with the plans the other guy has which was to look for a job in early summer. for me, it would have been no good as i want out ....and soon.

dickhead hasn't said a word to me today, which is good. me and the guy who has got the new placement were talking about the type of questions he got asked in his interview and dickhead tried to join in but we just both ignored him. the other guy hates dickhead to. he told me that on his first day he mistakenly pronounced dickeads real name and instead of being corrected or anything, dickhead just looked back at him with a dirty look and didn't say anything. not the thing to do when you first meet someone. he is going to give a wonderful first impression in any interviews he has in the new year.

he is soooo screwed if he has to find a new job. it will be a shock to his system when he has to do a full days work instead of going to the gym between 2-3pm most days. you can't pull that kind of shit in a new job. you can't also field calls on your mobile every 20 minutes from your friends and other people and he will definitely have to lose the attitude and stop making a face like he has just taken a sip of coffee only to find out thats its cold, stale and has a cigarette butt floating in it, every time he you ask a question.

oh dear....someone has just come over and asked him to do some work. i was on the phone at the time to a user and usually he would just pass them on to me, but he couldn't because i was already doing something. oh no...he is going to have to do some work on a friday afternoon!!!!. simply outrageous.

nothing to do at work today really, which is not a new phenomenon.

every passing day brings us closer to the end.

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