Friday 14 December 2007

we did it

it looks like its going to work out like i wanted. i have been given my end date and i won't be having my stay extended more than what we agreed at the beginning. i am out of there on december 31st.

i did what i had to do. i stayed and did my 6 months and got the name on my resume. i seriously considered leaving after the first few weeks but i told myself to stick it out and just persist with it and get through to the end of the year. in august, the end of the year looks like a long long way away but i did it, and i am feeling quite pleased with myself i got through it.

the last month in particular has been hard since i have been sitting next to the asshole who thinks he knows everything about everything but in fact knows shit and about nothing. listening to his 15 minute monotone monologues about how to do the simplest taks has been testing to put it mildly. have i ever come close to saying anything to him?. yes. did i?. no. i just wanted to get through the whole thing and not cause any disturbance.

i have learned not much technically but i think i have become more confident in myself. i have seen that these people who have been in banks for years are not better than me. i found out that they have a tiny fraction of the passion and curiousity that i have and its also been an exercise in self-discipline and restraint having to deal with the asshole everyday.

whats next???. well i did my vmware course last week and i will be taking the exam next week. there are not many properly trained and certified vmware people out there and the market is hot for virtualisation at the moment. if i pass that i will start looking for a job and i will see what i can get. i am sure something will turn up. onwards and upwards. 2008. bring it!.

PS: get to take my new bike out for the first time tomorrow when i cycle to the gym for the first time in 4 months. i can't wait to get back in the saddle. i'm back.

take care. keep smiling.

today i have mostly been listening to editors - the racing rats.
if a plane were to fall from the sky
how big a hole would it the surface of the earth.

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