Friday 26 March 2010


a friend of mine works for a consultancy that has placed him in a big firm in the city. he has been there a couple of years but they let a load of people in his department go recently, and he wasn't very happy with how things had been going and how they were being treated, and i could see it was really getting him down. he has had a couple of jobs over the last few years and each time he has not been happy and content with them. anyways this week it must have been that point that pushes you over the edge because he mailed me and told me he had just handed in his resignation and wanted out and he didn't have anything else lined up.

fast forward a few days, and the company that he is based at, heard he was going to be leaving and have asked him if he would like to freelance for them directly and not through the consultancy. not only that, but they have offered him a wage that is almost TRIPLE what he was getting before. needless to say he has gone from being depressed and frustrated to being over the moon in a matter of a few hours.

it does me make me think about my situation. i also got to thinking that my contract was up at the end of april and that would be me done then. i was wondering that it might be an idea to tell them i could do an extra month and leave at the end of may instead. the thinking behind this would be that even if it took me a month or two to find another job, it wouldn't be so bad because the world cup would be on tv and i would be home to watch it all. thats how important the world cup is here in england. i am thinking of planning my next career move around it. :-)

on that note i shall say farewell. have a lovely weekend.

today i have mostly been listening to editors - lights

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