Monday 1 March 2010


it was a thoroughly miserable weekend in terms of weather. utter shit. it was raining most of saturday so i had to take the bus to the gym and the forecast was for pretty much the same on sunday but they said there would be a couple of hours in the afternoon when it would be clear.

determined to get out on my bike and not take the bus again i decided to cycle and even though it was not raining for nearly all my journey, aside for a little bit of drizzle for 5 minutes, i got completely soaked and my bike looked filthy. i was utterly pissed off, but a good work out followed by 15 minutes in the steam room sorted me out and at least it was clear for my ride back home. why don't live in a proper country with proper weather.

i also booked my train ticket to go to nottingham. a friend of mine who is in the army is going to be going to afghanistan in april, so a bunch of us are going up to see him and have a night out in the city. have not been to nottingham and i am just relieved to be getting out of london.

work is starting to turn into a bit of a trudge, and i really don't want to stay beyond the period of this contract which expires on april 30th. it might be good to take the leap and just not renew. am leaning very hard towards doing that. contract market still seems quiet. something come through please!!!!.

today i have mostly been listening to the cure - cut. last summer i was on the train coming back from football and the train was full of people coming back from the oasis show at wembley. some guy turned to me and said he didn't like my football shirt. it was an argentina home kit, and for a second i thought things might get a bit tense, but i just started talking to him about football and stuff and it was ok. some girls also stood up for me and told the guy they liked my football top and that defused the situation.

anyway we just talked about world cup qualifications and at one point i was going to steer the conversation away from football (so he would forget about my shirt) and ask him how the show was, but then i figured he might ask me if i like oasis, and i probably would have ended up saying i thought they were over rated and only made 2 decent albums in 15 years, and instead of pissing off 1 person i would have pissed off the whole carriage including the girls who had helped me out. anyways i got to thinking what i was listening to when everyone was going mad for oasis in england in the mid 90s. turns out i was still listening to the cure.....and i still am.

this is from the album, wish, which is a wonderful album.


Anonymous said...

It was raining here on Saturday too!!! I was a little disappointed with the rain though. Usually I LOVE it, but I didn't care much for it this past weekend...pretty dull.

I got your e-mail, I'll write you back soon!!


N said...

i always check the weather in San Diego and LA, and i have noticed that its been a bit showery and unsettled recently. sounds like you are fed up with it.

imagine how i feel after 6 months of darkness, cold and rain and snow. i think i am slowly going out of my mind. :-)

speak soon flower.