Friday 9 September 2011


have posted most nights this week cataloging the debacle that i have become involved in at work, and so this is the final friday evening installment. it was service as usual this morning. i finished off the last couple of pieces of work on servers that the chancers had said were ready, but were nowhere near and sent them over to the application teams to use. i didnt hear anything back from then, so like the rest of the servers i have done i think they might be ok. 

i did some work for my own project that i have been assigned to and then asked for more servers from the chancers to check. they have badly missed deadlines and as soul crushing and demotivating as it is to fix the fuckups of people that are paid miles more than me, my own personal instinct is to try hard and and just get this stuff delivered. i ended up sitting with the main chancer and the senior PM whilst they tried to figure out which servers i should do next. i cant transcribe how the conversation went but rest assured the chancer was as belligerent and obtuse as anyone i have ever some across in my whole career. he simply would not give an answer to which servers were done and were of the highest priority that needed me to fix. 

i sat there initially in utter astonishment at the childishness and stupidity of his belligerence but after 10 minutes i could feel my blood starting to boil. i wanted to just shout in his face "i am trying to help you, you stupid cunt, so answer the fucking question and give me the information". "rest assured i would rather have nothing to do with a fucking chancer like you, so if you dont want me here, feel free to tell me to fuck off and i will be on my way and carry on delivering my own work whilst you drown in a river of shit you created through your own ineptitude. good luck and good bye dickhead".

obviously i didnt say it, but i do think its inevitable that one day my internal mental monologue is going to come out of my mouth and i am going to end up calling someone a stupid cunt in front of everyone in the office. 

anyways, i wasn't interested in their childish argument so i got up and walked to my desk. a couple of hours later the senior project manager sent me the details of servers i could check. what an astonishing waste of time and money and energy. i really want nothing to do with any of them. 

from what i have seen of the rest of the people in the hedge fund, they appear to be the best of the best in all the departments. there are £30m/year traders poached from goldman sachs. there are some of the best techies i have ever some across in all the banks i have worked at, and not only are they technically very good but they are all friendly and approachable. guys that have done projects at all the biggest investment banks in the world. there is a concentration of great talent that is easily among the best in london if not the whole of europe..........and i get stuck with the fucking idiots. shit, i really hope i dont get associated with this debacle of a project. they must be getting infamous in the firm for running £3m over budget and missing all the deadlines. i hope they don't lump me in with them. my side of the project is running smoothly. i am only there to help them and get it delivered. i am the fireman who is just putting out the fire. i didnt burn the place down. i promise it wasn't me!!!.

as usual the chancers seemed to dissapear from their desks this afternoon never to be seen for the rest of the day. after they had gone i was at one the chancers desks and i saw print outs of their spreadsheets and reports for the servers they had completed building. it was all lies. they had marked on their sheets that they had finished building servers and handed them over to the business when in fact i was checking those same servers and had not finished them and so they had not been handed over to the business. there was another group of servers that were marked done and handed over to the app team that my team leader was finishing off and i saw the list of issues he had come across and there was something wrong with every single of the 20 servers he had looked at. 

these idiots actually think they are getting the work done and its all going smoothly. they seem to think its just the occasional server that is coming to me or my team leader to check and that everything goes to the app teams when they have done their bit. in fact every single piece of work they do is now checked by me and my team leader and after we have fixed the dozens of issues, we pass them on. going through his spreadsheets, i saw that there is not a single piece of work they have done that has not gone through us. 

anyways i heard that the main chancer had confided into one of the other guts that he was thinking of not taking a contract renewal if offered when his contract runs out in 2 week. i suspect he might know the writing is on the wall and wants it to seem to people at the firm he decided he did not want to stay as opposed to the firm not offering him a new 3 month deal and kicking him out mid project. please let him be let go. 

its a £126m lottery jackpot tonight. i bought 2 tickets and i promise i will give a significant proportion to charity. please let me win it. i dont want to have to go back to the idiots on monday morning.

next week i hope to return to writing banal posts about work and gym and football. 

today i have mostly had a headache.  

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