Wednesday 7 September 2011


got hit with a tsunami of work to do this morning when i got into the office. senior project manager asked me to complete 40 trading application servers by the end of the day. sorry dude that ain't going to happen and the sheer fact you are asking me makes me think you are a chump. after taking a look at some of the servers i discovered that the chancers had been given these servers 7 weeks ago to build and get ready. in that 7 weeks, they put an OS on there, but they are on the wrong network, no storage and no applications have been installed and configured. they spend 7 weeks doing 30% of the work and i get 1 day to do the remaining 70%. that can not be right.

my team leader asked me to send a mail to the chancers stating how to install the apps and give them instructions and tips. i did so this morning. i then bumped into the senior PM who after speaking to the chancers then came over to me and told me that the chancers "didnt WANT to install the applications". i didnt really know what to say that. the voice in my head replied "do they WANT to get paid?, clearly not because they do not WANT to do what they are employed to do". i just nodded and smiled and said i would discuss it with my team leader. the senior PM should have just turned round to them and said, i dont give a fuck what you WANT to do, i am telling not asking, and if you don't like it, there is the door".

in the midst of all this shit, i still have my own work to be getting on with but i have had time to do hardly any of it. i have ESX clusters to expand, i have storage migrations, i have new VLANs to present to ESX hosts, and i have my own server builds to finish, and i am not getting to do any of it because we are drowning under an avalanche of work that the chancers are refusing to do.

5pm on the button they had all gone home this evening whilst i stayed back again to try and sort out their shit. i might suggest they fire the fucking lot of them, pay me £800/day and i will work 15 hours a day and get shit moving and delivered. its not like they are contributing to delivering anything. if they were not here i dont think anyone would notice. whenever they need any of the work to be delivered the managers automatically come to me or my team leader now, and when i do my bit, it is officially signed off and goes to the application teams, at which point they cross it off their lists as being delivered.

i said yesterday i was quite enjoying it. i was then, but i wasn't today. have got a splitting headache. i should be getting ready for southern california. i should have my muscle car booked at the airport, have my california 2011 playlist ready, have my hotels booked, tickets to see a band play at the music box or troubador, shopping list researched, tickets to see the galaxy play, presents for my friends kids who i stay with in san francisco, details of new beach towns to stop off at and a couple of good books. instead i am shovelling someone else's shit.

today i have mostly been listening to lana del rey - videogames. 

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