Sunday 9 October 2011


well the weather couldnt last and by wednesday the sunshine was a memory and normal slate grey skies had returned. still, its not been too cold and friday was quite bright, so i cant complain. it hasnt rained this weekend, so i got to cycle to the gym yesterday and today so i cant really complain about the weather. it is mid october after all. broke my record on my cycle to the gym. i knocked 10 seconds off my previous best time and did it in 15m 23s. i got held up in a couple of places and i know its very possible to dip below 15mins. i just need traffic lights, traffic and good form with me, and i am sure i can do it.

work has been ok, but i have found myself sucked back into the chancers project which is a bit of a pain. the senior pm had not been coming over to my desk, since my 'too many shit people on this project' episode the week before, but this week he has been getting me to do more work that should have been done ages ago. to compound things, all three of the chancers have had their contracts renewed. the head chancer who is a complete waste of space, has been walking around with a spring in his step all week. i dont know officially if they have been renewed, but it fucking looks like it, because they are still here and they are still shit. you do the math. the incompetent senior pm has proved his ineptness once again by keeping those idiots on the project.

 it actually beggars belief. in any other organisation these people would be laughed out of the building, but in an organisation that has a reputation of attracting the best and most talented people, they are so far out of their depth, its embarressing. the people you hire and the company you keep are a reflection on you, and in this case the senior pm has demonstrated to anyone with half a brain, that he has no idea about anything. its such a shame that the project they are working has been ruined like this. am also wondering who hired the senior pm because clearly they must be clueless as well. it seems the incompetence runs deeper that i first thought.

anyways, i keep myself to myself and just get on with it. head chancer who seems to think he is co-ordinating the project (he couldnt co-ordinate himself out of a wet paper bag), had been sending me emails asking for status updates and issues earlier in the week. i ignored them. firstly, i dont report to you so you can fuck right off, and secondly the status of anything is it will be done when i get it done. he sent me a couple of emails, but he got the message and after those first two mails and no replies and i haven't had anything since from him. sometimes you can send a message to someone by not sending a message to someone. in this case the message was fuck off chancer.

i also had this weekend off work. it looks like i will be working pretty much every weekend from now till mid december. i will need to find a way to lift my spirits over the next couple of months so am going to book my ticket for los angeles this week. have found a good deal on british airways which is a lot cheaper than virgin, who i usually fly with, so will get it booked. as is the case almost every january, i will be looking for a new contract somewhere, but at least i can be completely refreshed and holiday'd before i embark on a new project.

i bought an autobiography of fidel castro last week as well. have got quite a bit of a back log books to read through as i also bought a book about the iranian coup overthrowing mossadegh and then the overthrow of the shah, and am just finishing off my current book about the congo. dark winter days are coming so will probably have lots of time indoors to read.

today i have mostly been listening to marvin gaye - inner city blues. some musical education that we may not have been around for but that we can go back and redicover and learn for ourselves. enjoy listening to the wonderful voice and powerful lyrics of marvin gaye.

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