Monday 10 October 2011

we are augustines

average monday at work. 

talk to storage about new SAN LUN for SQL cluster
check new SAN disks are correctly presented to 2 other SQL servers
check application servers have been installed correctly by chancers
audit and plan for moving VMs to replicated LUNs so they can utilise VMWare SRM. (was supposed to be done by the chancers but they said they didn't know how to do it and it got dumped on me) 
fix issues with new production  trading application servers (originally built by the chancers)
get asked to investigate why backups failed on a particular application server (built by the chancers)
speak to EMC about requirements for installing File Management Appliance as a Virtual Machine. (i dont know what it is, but i had to familiarise myself with it in 5 minutes from a document. head chancer said it was a windows server, its not you halfwit)
....and thats just the morning.

senior PM who will be referred from here on as chancer PM, came over to my desk and just dumped tonnes of work on me this morning. i am not even supposed to be working on your project you chancer!. i didnt say it but i gave him the kind of look that effectively said 3 people were hired months before i even started at the firm, to do that project, so why dont you give it to the chancers whose contracts you just renewed. he verbally replied "errr....well....they dont have that particular skillset....errr....". well maybe you should have hired people with the skills to do the job, instead of paying them £450/day to do a job you know they cant do.

anyways, i just tried to get on with it as best as i could. spoke to the Project manager of the project i am supposed to be working on, and he had words and said i would be working on my original project on thursday and friday....and saturday. its the best he could do. there ship is sinking and people above have said that i have to help bail out the chancers. he thinks chancer PM is a chump as well. 

talked the to the other guys in my original project team and they told me that they had spoken to the head guy of the department on friday night after he had a few drinks and he let slip that there was a new project starting as soon as our current project finished in december and that they already had a list of people that they wanted to work on it. the other 2 guys are hoping they are on the list, and i would happily stay on and work with them. one of the guys is permanant staff and has been there for 9 years, and he said that if he got asked to go onto the new project he would ask for me and the other to be signed up for it as well, and would refuse to work with the chancers. we shall see how it goes. i would love to stay and work with my original team on a project. 

in the meantime i have been getting calls from agents recruiting for a large investment bank. its a bank that i worked for about 3 years ago, but since then they have merged with another bank and they need someone. i have had 3 calls in the last 2 weeks about them and the fact that they still keep calling me leads me to believe they might be struggling to find the right candidates. i originally turned it down a couple of weeks ago, but since being thrown back in with the chancers and there only being 2 months left on my contract, i think i might put myself forward for it. its a 6 month project and the money is miles more than i have ever earned. if i dont get it, thats fine, but i need to put myself forward. come december i will be out of contract and what are the odds the chancers get asked to do the new project and i don't. if recent events are anything to go by, thats quite likely. 

today i have mostly been listening to we are augustines - book of james. wicked tune. no video, no need. enjoy. 

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