Saturday 22 October 2011


another friday evening and and saturday spent at work, but it wasnt too late a finish on both days and thats me done for work this weekend. usual suspects were in at work on my project. one of the strorage guys, one of the DBAs, the PM for my project and my teamleader. one thing we have in common is a utter lack of respect for the group of chancers. the quiet hours whilst servers are being moved or patched or data is being copied are filled with stories of what idiocy the chancers have done this week or how they made fools of themselves in a conference call or in a meeting.

also, i happened to look up the linkedin profile of the main chancer and it was quite something. it stated he was the Team Leader for the infrastructure team and that he had built out a new datacenter and all the server infrastructure including AD, Exchange, Citrix, VMware and even some Linux servers. wow!. reading it you would think he was really skilled and must really know his shit. having worked with him and seen what level of skill he has, i would actually place him in the bottom 10% of people i have ever worked with at any of the companies i have been at. also, its a lie that he is the team leader for the infrastructure team. he is no such thing. he is supposed to be a windows engineer like me but he has so little technical knowledge that he spends his days hiding behind excel spreadsheets and shuffling paper, in the hope of appearing busy and also so no one will ask him any technical questions or ask him to deliver a piece of real work. 

its easy to project a false and misleading image of yourself online. shit, if he was that good, why am i the one being asked to do 3 days a week at the hedge fund for whom he was supposed to be building out application servers, which are now over a month late and incorrectly configured?. why do i have to talk to the heads of trading systems development and then implement what they ask for?.  why has it been decided that all the new servers for the trading systems have to be checked by me?. why is it that the storage team ask me to check any requests for new LUNs or storage reconfigs they get from the chancers?. why is it me that has to work with the DBAs to fix issues with the new production SQL clusters?. weird thing is that the so called infrastructure team leader (the main chancer) has not asked me to do any of this but a decision has been made by senior management that i should do it because he and 'the team he is leading' have show they are incapable. 

isn't it odd that someone at a lower level than the self proclaimed infrastructure team leader has been called in to clear up his mess. strange that. 

anyways, no bother. i worked my nuts off last week and fixed all his shit on one complete environment for one of the trading apps. am back in mayfair this week to check over one of the other trading system application servers, but i think it will be easier than this week, because i already did half of them over the last couple of weeks. also my own project seems to be going well and we are just over halfway through. all has gone smoothly thus far. it could be worse. i could be doing such a bad job that a more junior titled subordinate could be asked to take over and deliver the work i should have done. that would be a heck of a blow to my ego. would probably have to resign as my reputation would be in tatters. :-)

today i have mostly been listening to the stone roses - elephant stone. they announced that were getting back together again after 15 years. i do have both their albums and i think they were a very good band, but i thought the music press got a little too carried away with themselves this week. i wasnt one of those hoping for them to reform. i would have actually preferred if they hadnt because i cant help thinking its purely a commercial decision. all those kids that were at school and college and university first time round now work in hedge funds and will pay £60 for a ticket to relive their youths. not me though. this is back when they were doing it for real. enjoy.

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