Wednesday 12 October 2011

rock and a hard place

the firm i work for has taken over another prestigious hedge fund and its for these guys that the chancers project of building new application servers is for. its quite a high profile project and the team i was in is tasked with another important project migrating to a new datacenter and moving existing application servers and building out the infrastructure for it.

thats the background of whats going on. 2 big jobs split between 2 teams of 3 each. as the chancers project has turned into a plane crash, i was constantly being asked to help them out, which is odd because i have been at the firm 4 months and they have been there a year. anyways, today it got more ridiculous. chancer PM who is heading up the project for the new hedge fund, came over to me and told me that i would have to go to the new hedge funds offices in another part of london (near mayfair/picadilly) and sit with the guys there and help them with any issues. he said it was a political move as they were pissed off as to why their shit was all fucked up and had insisted someone be there and work through the mess and he wanted to send someone who would make a good impression and could deal with them and get stuff done. 

so instead of sending any of his 3 highly paid resources that are dedicated to the project he sends me to go there and to put out fires and smooth things over with the guys there. what a fucking shambles of a project manager you are. its one thing to have people laugh at you and undermine you behind your back, but senior pm has just undermined himself. surely in the last week or two he must have recommended that the chancers get contracts renewed and now days later he asks me to smooth shit out with the project they have been re-hired to complete. are you an idiot. the 2 things are utterly incompatible. you cant hire people to do a job and imply and judge they are good enough to do it and then take the opposite view soon after and imply they are incapable of doing it by not asking them to do what you employed them to do because you dont think they are good enough. 

anyways, this afternoon i went to the other hedge fund and sat with them and went through all the issues with them and told them what i was going to do to get it fixed. tomorrow morning i am there again, but in the afternoon i have to go to our main office to work on my own project. i even offered to spend friday morning with them working on their problems even though i am supposed to be starting work at noon on friday and working till midnight on my datacenter project. its going to be a long long friday. 

its all causing friction at work now. the project manager i report to is getting pissed off because i keep being taken off his project and leaving him with a man less, and having to bail out the chancers. he is worried because his (our) project is going quite well and according to plan so far, and he fears that we could start slipping and something could go wrong because of resources being taken away from him. 

something is going to give soon. in the meantime i am between a rock and a hard place. to motivate myself i bought myself a ticket to los angeles leaving at the beginning of january, and i figured that if i work a long friday that will pay for the cost of hiring a dodge challenger for the week i am out there. how's that for using positive thinking. 

today i have mostly been listening to red hot chilli peppers - californication. dreams of californication are what is going to get me through the next few weeks.

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