Tuesday 5 February 2008

rockin in the freeworld

Have been underground because i am changing my broadband provider and so i have no internet connectivity at home, and hence no blogging. Am typing this up at work.

Speaking of work, i am still here. Its week 3 and i feel a little more settled and little more sure that i don’t want to do this for very long. The rest of the team are ok but its only now that you kind of work out everyones personalities. Theres a girl that has been here for about a year and a half. Man , she speaks so quietly its not true. You can barely hear here when she says anything. wake up girl!. Maybe doing this job for that long has sucked the life out of her.

Then there is a guy that has been here about 10 years and he is doing the same stuff as me. Nice guy but i think he is in that zone that you get into after a few years where he is stuck in a rut. I think he also resents me a little bit because he suspects i am earning more money than him. I think i probably am. Its not fair but its the way it is. I learned a little while back that if you don’t like something then just leave. Its hard but i did it. I doubt he will though. Its hard to start again from nothing at a new place.

The team leader is a good guy. He has been here 10 years as well. He has been nice with me since i got here but i just heard a little disagreement he had with one of the other guys in the team and he got quite terse with him and said ”don’t speak to me in that tone”. You could feel the tension in the air.

The other guy, who he said it to has been here about 9 years, and has been helpful with me, but i hear his conversations and he just loves to go on and on and on about process and shit like that. It was during a lecture on process that he was giving the team leader, that the team leader snapped back.

Its nice to be a contractor amongst this. i completely uninvolved and unaware of any politics going on. I just come in, keep my mouth shut and try and do my work. A lot of time there isn’t that much to do so i just surf the web and try and learn something about the latest technologies out there. Whenever my boss walks past he sees articles and pdf’s about storage solutions or virtualisation or windows server and so it looks like i am busy and he doesn’t say anything to me.

Am off out tonight in Shoreditch with my friends for our regular monthly drinks.

Its still cold and grey in London town. 5 months of this and i really am bored with it. I dream of blue skies and warm sunshine. You can’t believe how hard it is to get out of bed in the morning when its like this every day for months.

Today i have mostly been listening to Neil Young – rockin’ in the free world.
....thats one more kid that will never go to school, never get to fall in love, never get to be cool....

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