Wednesday 14 July 2010


the sunny weather has subsided and the days are quite cloudy and showery although still quite warm and humid this week. its not nice especially if you are travelling on the tube.

won't mention anything about my current job. you know the score already.

i did have some good news in that i have an interview on friday morning which will be for a job in the server team of a small bank. its such a small bank in london that i had never heard of them, and i thought i knew everyone in this town. because its small it looks like it will mean i will need to know a lot about a lot of different things, which is just what i was looking for. i would rather not join another huge bank where they stick you in a team doing some crappy task for the rest of your life.
the other good thing about it is that its back in the city of london which is way better than london bridge which is where i am based now. i know its only half a mile away but i hate where i work now.

i had to go to one of my old jobs to email some information to the agent, as hotmail and everything else is blocked at the bank. its good that i have some contacts in this town that i can call upon in an emergency.i have a new little sony xperia x10 mini pro, and i can check my hotmail on it, but i can't open documents. if you are looking for a new phone and don't want an iphone or another phone the size of the brick, i can highly recommend it.

anyways, we shall see how the interview goes. i might get it, but obviously and not unlikely, i might not. its just nice that someone wants to see me, and doesn't look at my cv and think i am an idiot.

cycled to the gym last night. i don't usually cycle for my evening gym session but because its so mild i thought i would. its an extra work out and its nice cycling back in the half light just after the sun has set. have also been training hard and i don't think i am in the best condition i have ever been but its close.

today i have mostly been listening to ou est le swimming pool - jacksons last stand. i don't like the name of the band. they should change it. does it offend you yeah, is another good band with a lame name. anyways, ignore all that, and listen to the tune. its wicked.

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