Friday 2 July 2010

stonewash jeans

its dress down friday at the bank and as is usual with people who work in IT it is the usual mixture of stone washed jeans and baggy faded t-shirts and shit white trainers and all of it looks really old.

mate, how many times have you washed that t-shirt and those jeans. everything is faded to greyish colour after being washed 5000 times. i suspect some of the clothers were from when they were students 10 years ago. i don't want to sound like a fashion nazi but it don't look good and none of it is even remotely stylish or nice. they will get the latest iphone on the day of release and pay silly money for the latest laptop but when it comes to clothes i suspect primark must be full of £400/day IT contractors buying jeans for £10 and 3 t-shirts for a fiver.

had football last night and it was a steaming hot evening to be playing in. considering we haven't played in a month my fitness was actually quite good. no aches and pains this morning which is good. have noticed that since its been quite hot i am cycling faster and i have knocked a minute or two in the time it takes me to get to the gym.

speaking of cycling, the tour de france starts tomorrow. its one of my favourite sporting spectacles. nothing beats football but the tour is still awesome and its way better than wall to wall coverage of wimbledon which is on now. who gives a shit about tennis. its a game for rich people. no one played tennis at my school. you know why?. because we didn't have £100 to spend on a tennis bat and we didn't have any courts and we didn't have the money to pay for a club membership. its an elitists game. we had a cheap £5 football and had jumpers for goal posts. thats why we play and love football. they may as well televise fucking polo and yacht racing for all the relevance it has to us .

...and i don't know why they are all getting hard ons for andy murray winning wimbledon. he is a sour scot with no charisma and if he wasn't a tennis player he would be doing adverts for mr muscle toilet cleaner, on the basis he is a puny wimp. i hope nadal smashes him into oblivion. .....not that i give a shit about tennis. i shall be watching the world cup and the herculean supermen in the tour de france.

have a lovely weekend

didn't post any music yesterday after i got in from work. was straight out again for football. will post something tonight.

today i have mostly been listening to the flaming lips - do you realize. a thoroughly lovely song. i could have posted a live performance but there weren't any that were really good quality on youtube, so i just picked this version which is a clear version of the audio only. you need to hear the words and the sentiment to understand what i nice song it is.

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