Friday 4 March 2011

another week

so did anything happen this week like i thought it would?. i forgot i was dealing with a bank called santander, who couldnt organise a bum rape in a barracks. they have been uttlery useless and its been such a pain, spending the week chasing them up. a single fax that was supposed to be sent on monday eventually got sent today in the afternoon, too late for us to close the deal on the flat before the weekend so it goes on for another week.

its really reminded me of working in banks and the types of people that you get there. i shouldnt be surprised at santander because i have worked for some of the biggest japanese, german, american and british banks and there is that lack of common sense amongst a lot of the people that work there. no one takes responisibilty for anything and no one uses initiative or any creativity. people like mark zuckerberg or sergey brin or bill gates or steve jobs wouldn't survive 2 minutes in a bank not because they aren't clever enough but because they are too clever and have too many ideas. banks are for people like the chancer or nobhead

it doesnt reflect too well on me working in banks, but its the most lucrative thing i can do with my limited intelligence. i move around in a desperate attempt to not carry the stigma of a particular organisation and to not become to institutionalised into their way of (not) thinking.

speaking of banks, the place i had a technical telephone interview with, and that said i aced it and would call me back to arrange a second face to face interview, have not been in touch. another bunch of muppets.
i got a call about a short 3 month contract this afternoon but i blew it out. money wasnt quite right and i didnt want to lock myself into something that was lame. i have only really been on the market for 6 weeks and thats not long enough to start panicing and start taking anything.

had football last night and it was good. it been very cold and as much as i love cycling i just couldnt bring myself to cycle to the gym since last sunday. its too fucking cold. will force myself to go tomorrow and sunday so hopefully i am free on monday to deal with the idiots at my bank.

today i have mostly been listening to birdy - skinny love.

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