Saturday 12 March 2011


the start of a new week . the estate agent has been showing my flat to a few people already and he thinks it will get rented out soon. he is giving me the impression its busy and as long as its done in the next month or so, i will be happy otherwise it just consting me money in mortgage and bills and i still aint landed a new contract.

applied for a few more contracts so we shall see how that goes. lots of things on the go.

am training as usual and as the forecast is dry this week i will cycle to the gym and make sure i get a couple of good sessions in before the weekend. we have football on wednesday night instead of the usual thursday as its st patricks day and i play with a bunch of irishmen and they have some drinking to do that night.

a while back i wrote a post about trust fund kids and i heard something interesting a couple of days. one of my friends who has got most of her money from inheritences and not from actually working or being good at her job, and is friends with another girl i know whose dad is really rich. i mean silly rich in the hundreds of millions. my friend is always chasing after her not because she is a nice person and enjoys her company but because they have shitloads of money and its the lifestyle she herself aspires to. its really quite shallow and obvious if you were to see it. me, i dont really give her the time of day to the girl with the hundreds of millions because she is dull when i used to see her and has nothing to say and is not remotely interesting. i wont hang with someone just because they are rich because it doesnt impress me.

anyways there was a story in the newspaper about that girls dad and how he had been criticised by US lawmakers for asset stripping a company he had bought and basically looting the company for millions including money that should have gone on an environmental cleanup caused by the company he owned. also, despite being a british citizen he is based offshore for tax purposes, and yet it came out that he had given millions to a political party a couple of years ago. he is also mixed up with payments to various 'associates' in government and in the establishment and its all looking very shady, as one MP described him.

i forwarded the story to my friend who is trying to best mates with the girl whose family the scandal is about, and she kind of dismissed it and papered over it. now i am not one to judge but i think i will at this point. i just thought it was interesting how people who measure their life by money are so willing to ignore any other details about someone else if they also have lots of money. also she is very judgemental and can be quite patronising and talkdown to people and yet if anyone should be looked down upon it should be her friend and her family who have made millions from making payments to politicians, looting companies and other shady things, which i shall not go into, and yet the fact they have money makes them blind to it. the way i was raised, my family would be embarressed if i was ever famous for doing something illegal or crooked. maybe we have a different set of values, and its something that you cant put a price on.

anyways, i know i can be very snobbish about music. i know everyone has an opinion but it doesnt mean i am not bemused by people who like razorlight or the libertines or spaced out minimalist electro or 50 cent or jazz or lilly alan or calvin harris or hotchip or a tonne of other stuff which is just shite.

anyways after all that, today i have mostly been listening to swingfly - singing that melody. mindless pop music from sweden i think. they played it at my gym and i thought it was a good tune. lyrically its not going to have robert smith worried but urbane pop does have it place and this is one of the better tunes in a world of lady gaga and the black eyed peas. there are 2 versions of the video. the recent official record company version which looks like it was filmed on the set of a childrens tv show, and this one which has strippers in it and the singer with the red hair looks fitter. it was a no brainer.

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