Monday 28 March 2011

initial impressions

first day of the new contract and hopes are not high given initial impressions. the office is ok but it feels a bit dead inside and i already picked up a bit of an atmosphere. like all banks, they have had let a lot of people go and it just feels a bit like they are running on a skeleton staff and everyone seems really quiet.

i was told today that i would be working on their internal web team doing some projects. it doesn't sound very exciting but it is what it is. i will carry on looking for other contracts but i will also try and stick thjs out in the meantime although its going to be very dull. there was a documentary on tv about the chilean miners that were trapped underground for 3 months, and i think my new contract is going to be a similar experience. just need to keep thinking about the money and summer and california.

today i have my mostly been listening to angels and airwaves - hallucinations. my title banner at the top of the page was a picture i took when i was at the beach in san diego. i wish i there now.

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