Tuesday 8 March 2011

dancing with the devil

well we have exchanged contracts on the flat and it all looks like it going to be done by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. everything is signed and all i am waiting for is for an instruction from my solicitor to transfer the balance of the deposit, which he will then pass on and we are done. thank christ. its been such a long process. will have to rent the place out initially but depending on how things go i would like to get in there in the next year or so because its a lovely place.

have been applying for contracts but things are very quiet. its been the strangest start to a new year ever. i have known nothing like it . am hoping that now that all the banks have been roporting results over the last month or so, and paying out their bonuses, they can now concentrate on planning for the rest of the year and that might mean they might need to take on some people with particular skills. maybe. anyway its been really nice having the time off. am sleeping like a baby and feel thoroughly rested.

i got into a bit of a debate with a guy i used to work with who has views very similar to the chancer, in that he is a bit right wing and he also happens to be south african. he posted on his facebook a story about how disgraceful it was of a youth leader of the ANC saying he would nationalise 60% of the mines of the anglo american mining corporation. it was a bit of a red rag to bull with me, as i know a little bit about the history of anglo american and how they made billions from apartheid and slavery in south africa. anyways the guy didnt like it when i said it was a good idea and that the poor people of SA might benifit from the resources of south africa as opposed to a foreign company based in london. he disagreed and took the side of the billion dollar multinational corporation that made its money during apartheid and slavery. very poor showing.

usually i dont get involved with shit like this but when someone is so blatantly talking shit i cant resist it and its just unfortunate for him that i have been reading a few books about latin america and africa recently. also thought it was a little cheap for saying i couldnt comment on a company operating in south africa becuase i had never been to SA. he posted a comment about protests in egypt and he hasnt been there as well as posting about zimbabwe and he hasnt been there either. it means i shouldnt have an opinion on iraq or chile or egypt or china or vietnam or venezuela or the 150 countries in the world i havent been to. what he should be doing is disecting my argument and stating facts. amateur.

today i have mostly been listening to wolf gang - dancing with the devil. new fresh music.

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