Wednesday 25 June 2008

listen don't look

mostly when you get a contract job you get it through an agency and you get an agent assigned to you. they don't really do much apart call occassionally when your contract is about to get renewed or not renewed. basically they just worry about money and getting paid.

today my agent called me to tell me that he had been told by the HR department in the bank that they had already got a renewal authorised for another 3 months and if i wanted to do it. have made plans both personal and professional, so no, i won't reconsider and stay. road trip or not, i would still leave i told him. i need to do something that stretches me a bit more and don't get me wrong, i am not working just for the love of it, i want to be paid the benjamins as well.

haven't booked my ticket to the states yet but will hopefully soon. not sure how to end the trip. i might just go home when i get to los angeles, or i could go to san francisco with my friend who has to finish his journey there because he has a work thing to go to.

i have been to san francisco before and i will have been on the road for 3 weeks by then, and san francisco is also quite expensive so i might pass. i suspect i will be running low on cash by then as well. i might try and go to San Diego instead and see why V, likes it so much, but still leave from LA, as its only a couple of hours drive or on the train from there. we shall see. as it stands it looks like i will be in phoenix, arizona on the 18th of august, but i will confirm that once i know for sure.

thats it really. work is a bit trying at times buts it alright. its a means to an end, and the end is not far away now.

take care my friend.

today i have mostly been listening to, does it offend you, yeah? - epic last song. some people might like the video but i think it distracts from what is a very good song. have a listen, don't watch. scroll the windows down so you can't see it or something. i also don't like the name of the band either. i think these fellas are trying too hard to be cool. heard of a band recently called tokyo police club. now that is a cool name for a band.

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