Monday 5 October 2009

Heart of Gold

despite it being a monday, i feel much better than i did last week. i got my sleep back into a routine over the weekend, and i also went training and out for a bike ride on sunday. i have lost quite a bit physically but i think i can get back to where i was in about 3 or 4 weeks, but its definitely a strange feeling when you can't do stuff you could do just 3 or 4 weeks ago. i used to be able to lift this and now i can't????.

i also have to do all my accounts because it was the end of the quarter and i need to get all my stuff sent to my accountants so that they can go over it and then tell me how much i have to give to this government, who i didn't vote for and who will probably spend the money i give them on bombs to kill poor people, or spend it on trident nuclear submarines, or aircraft carriers or fighter planes. basically lots of shit i don't want my money spent on.

actually the good thing about contracting is that i pay quite a bit less tax than i used to, so the government will hopefully not be able to afford to buy weapons and thats a good thing. me being tax efficient is saving lives.

weather is drizzly and grey in london. i miss LA.

today i have mostly been listening to Neil Young - Heart of Gold. this is from before i was born, but i saw it on a music documentary a while back and its just a great great song and it also has a west coast feel to it as well (even though he is canadian), which is also why i am listening to it today.

don't you just sometimes wish you could go back in time to see some shows. neil young in 1971, led zepplin in the late 70s, prince playing at first avenue in minneapolis in 1981, springsteen playing in asbury park in the mid to late 70s, janes addiction playing in LA in the late 80s. if the government was spending my taxes on developing a time travelling delorean, i would be more than happy to contribute.

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