Thursday 5 November 2009

the only shit bar in clerkenwell

going out for a drink with some friends this evening, and we usually go to shoreditch, but for tonight the venue has changed and we are going to some old dingy pub in clerkenwell. there are lots of nice bars in clerkenwell but we are going to what looks like a dated old fashioned bar for old men.

arrghh!!!, why can't we just go to our usual. you can get a seat, they serve decent food and there are usually some nice looking girls which is always pleasant to see. if not there then why not to the dozens of other nice bars in clerkenwell.

there is a thing in london where people are just desperately trying to be fashionable and cool by going to places that are not fashionable and cool but that they think are going to be fashionable and cool in 6 months time, at which point they stop going there, and can then moan about how its lost its edge and had its day now that everyone is going there. they then move on and try and find bars that are shit in the desperate hope that in 6 months time, they can do the whole "this place has had its day" speech all over again. what a futile exercise.

i suspect the venue tonight is going to be shit. i could be wrong, but i doubt it.

my boss told me that in the first week of january i will be on my own as him and the other person i work with will be away on holidays. there is something to look forward to in the new year. not.

i think i am slightly abnormal in the amount of time i take off, in that its not much at all compared to most other people. anyways, i should be in the midst of job hunting then, so hopefully we won't have a scheduling conflict. we shall see how it goes. i applied for a job today and in the worst case scenario they will be screwed if i get it, but lets be realistic, its unlikely i will get something so quickly, though it would be a nice problem. actually it won't be a problem...for me at least.

today i have mostly been listening to screaming lights - GMN, ...whatever it is gmn stands for???.

take care V

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