Friday 13 November 2009

they didn't laugh

you know you are a nerd when just on the basis of a job spec on a recruiters site, which doesn't state the company they are recruiting for, you can work it out.
"aah, thats interesting that they want an windows guy who knows exchange,....that counts out deutsche bank, rbs because they use lotus notes, and also jp morgan, goldmans, merryll and morgan stanley, bank of america and nomura because they have separate messaging teams. right, of who is left.........". through a process of elimination based on the technologies in the job spec i figured it was one of 2 banks, and this morning the agent emailed me and it was one of the 2 i guessed it would be. what a fucking nerd!.

so the people that are recruiting for that really good job got back to me this morning. the guy was honest in his email and said he had 12 people that they were considering for it and that i was one of them. he asked me to give him some more information and said he would get back to me. he also asked me to confirm if i could start in just over a week. i said i was pretty sure i could work it out if things went that far and i got an offer. its also quite nice that the recruiter for back to me at all and didn't laugh when he saw my CV and then burned it on a fire.

in all honesty the chances of me getting it are very slim, but we shall see how it goes. i won't be too disappointed if i don't get it (because i never do), though it would be nice. there will also be some problems to iron out with my current place with regards to me getting released in time and those problems are made worse by the fact that the other 2 people in the department have both booked holidays at the same time at the beginning of january. but that is not my problem. i am not going to feel guilty and turn down a chance of a good contract because it may clash with my work colleagues holidays. that makes no sense at all.

i have been a martyr for work before. i have done it lots of times. i gave up holidays i was entitled to, to finish projects that were given deadlines that were too tight. i have worked countless weekends and long hours and in the end it all counted for shit. i promised myself that i wouldn't let that happen to me again and it hasn't and i feel so much better for it.

have a good weekend

today i have mostly been listening to muse - undisclosed desires

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